ruby on rails - How can I use a bingInt (as string) as a parameter? -

so i'm creating system visitor can ask client music composition. user starts fill form details , such, , when submits it, it's not yet sent client. however, can estimation of price, , modify demand if wants to. after that, still can submit 1 last time, , time, estimation sent.

i don't want use default id parameter because way simple 'parse' other estimations if url looks ends /3 or /4. you'd have try few urls , if it's lucky day, you'd "hack" estimation isn't yours. i'm planning use cron job delete these estimations after while, don't want take risk.

to avoid that, decided use visitor's session_id parameter, on removed every alphabetic characters, still saved string in mysql 5.7 database activerecord ok that. changed routes accordingly, , result supposed

localhost:3000/devis/4724565224204064191099 # devis means 'quotation' in french 

however, when try route, following error:

activerecord::recordnotfound (couldn't find devi out of range value 'id') 

here relevant part of controller:


# ... def create   @devi =    respond_to |format|     @devi.status = 'created'    @devi.session_id =[^\d]/, '').to_s # how store parameter    # latest record returns '4724565224204064191099'     if       format.html { redirect_to @devi, notice: 'devi created.' }       format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @devi }    else      format.html { render :new }      format.json { render json: @devi.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }    end  end end  # ...  private  def set_devi   @devi = devi.find(params[:session_id].to_s) # tried '.to_s', didn't work end 

and here routes:

# 'index' , 'destroy' don't exist resources :devis, only: %i(create update) '/devis/nouveau', to: 'devis#new', as: :devis_new '/devis/:session_id', to: 'devis#show', as: :devis_show '/devis/editer/:session_id', to: 'devis#edit', as: :devis_edit 

my question following: there way present :session_id string controller's params? or have better option?

thank you

i think session_id int @ database, , should change.

change type of session_id string , activerecord map session_id string on


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