iOS 11 PhotoKit. Get maximum-size image from iCloud Photo Sharing albums -

i try receive image icloud shared albums, not exist on device. when call:

phimagerequestoptions *options = [phimagerequestoptions new];  options.deliverymode = phimagerequestoptionsdeliverymodehighqualityformat; options.networkaccessallowed = yes; options.synchronous = no;  [[phimagemanager defaultmanager] requestimageforasset:asset targetsize:phimagemanagermaximumsize contentmode:phimagecontentmodedefault options:options resulthandler:^(uiimage * _nullable resultimage, nsdictionary * _nullable info) {  }]; 

i receive thumb small size. if press on image in photos app, image download fine, if try download in application nothing happens (i receive small image). maybe know how resolve problem?

for previous ios version work fine.


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