angular - ng2 aot compilation error on rollup -

afaik i've followed of steps described set aot ng2 app, rollup process:

my dir structure uses following pattern:

mysite/ng2/components mysite/ng2/templates ... 

i opened git bash in context of ng2 dir above. i'm executing specified cmd compile app aot:

"../node_modules/.bin/rollup" -c rollup-config.js 

my main-aot.ts file has following import statement:

import { appmodulengfactory } './aot/app.module.ngfactory'; 

however, returns following error:

main-aot.ts → build.ts... [!] error: not resolve './aot/app.module.ngfactory' main-aot.ts error: not resolve './aot/app.module.ngfactory' main-aot.ts     @ error (c:\code\myapp\node_modules\rollup\dist\rollup.js:185:14)     @ then.resolvedid (c:\code\myapp\node_modules\rollup\dist\rollup.js:9804:8) 

i verified app.module.ngfactory exists under mysite/ng2/aot/. tried update import statement different path pattern:

import { appmodulengfactory } '../ng2/aot/app.module.ngfactory'; 

however, updated import path, rollup cmd returns same error. idea problem might or how fix?


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