ios - Swift - StackView, panGesture, CoreData -

my question / issue relates saving new position of uistackview, coredata, after moving pangesture.

i’ve created uistackview via function createpersonstack() called viewdidload(), based on objects retrieved coredata.

at stage, below code works in respect creating , moving objects.

each uistackview has coredata person.firstname attribute text label (hopefully can used identify object save to)

i pull initial xpos , ypos (starting position) uistackview (person) coredata.

i new coordinates listed in print statement of guesture.state == .ended block of code.

if possible, saving new x & y coordinates (after gesture state .ended) coredata against correct person. i.e. when view launches again, updated new coordinates starting position of each member family. thanks

func createpersonstack() {      let family = fetchedresultscontroller.fetchedobjects      person in family! {     _ = createpersonwithposition(name: person.firstname!, age: person.age!, xpos: cgfloat(person.xpos), ypos: cgfloat(person.ypos))     }         }  func createpersonwithposition(name: string, age: string, xpos: cgfloat, ypos: cgfloat) -> uistackview {      //image view     let imageview = uiimageview()     imageview.widthanchor.constraint(equaltoconstant: 50.0).isactive = true     imageview.heightanchor.constraint(equaltoconstant: 50.0).isactive = true     imageview.image = uiimage(named: “person image”)      //text label     let textlabel = uilabel()     textlabel.backgroundcolor = uicolor.clear     textlabel.widthanchor.constraint(equaltoconstant: 50.0).isactive = true     textlabel.heightanchor.constraint(equaltoconstant: 20.0).isactive = true     textlabel.font = textlabel.font.withsize(10)     textlabel.text = name     textlabel.textalignment = .center      //stack view     let stackview = uistackview()     stackview.axis = uilayoutconstraintaxis.vertical     stackview.distribution = uistackviewdistribution.equalspacing     stackview.alignment =     stackview.spacing = 1.0      stackview.addarrangedsubview(imageview)     stackview.addarrangedsubview(textlabel)     stackview.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = false      self.view.addsubview(stackview)      //constraints     stackview.centerxanchor.constraint(equalto: self.view.centerxanchor, constant: cgpoint(x: xpos, y: ypos).x).isactive = true     stackview.centeryanchor.constraint(equalto: self.view.centeryanchor, constant: cgpoint(x: xpos, y: ypos).y).isactive = true      let panguesture = uipangesturerecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(pan(guesture:)))     stackview.addgesturerecognizer(panguesture)      return stackview }  // mark: - move people  func pan(guesture: uipangesturerecognizer) {      let translation = guesture.translation(in: self.view)      if let guestureview = guesture.view { = cgpoint(x: + translation.x, y: + translation.y)          if guesture.state == .ended {              print("moved along x axis = \( - 512)")  //  equals x position in view center (ipad landscape orientation)             print("moved along y axis = \( - 384)”)  //  equals y position in view center (ipad landscape orientation)         }     }     guesture.settranslation(, in: self.view) } 


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