python - Django - access class attributes of a class-based view in middleware -

i have couple of views , each of them must accesed no more 1 user @ time. therefore use locking service this. idea follows:

- declare each view this

class dummyview(view):     lock = lock()     def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs):         ... 

- in middleware, this

class middleware:     ...     def __call__(self, request):         # lock = view.get_lock_if_it_has_one (this need with)         lock.acquire()          response = self.get_response(request)          lock.release()         return response 

how can access lock attribute of view described?

unsure if can access view inside middleware, suggesting more simple , easy implement / understand.

simply create model lock have fields view_name (char field), user (foreign key) & is_acquired (bool). then, when want lock view given request.user (check anonymous users), instantiate lock model user & view_name, .acquire() changes is_acquired true (and saves).

and when want check if lock has been acquired, check if given entry .exists().

if want, can run periodic task expires old locks.


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