compilation - Compile Rebol code to executable -

i downloaded rebol/view (vesion 2.7.8) linux x86 libc6 2.3 version , working right interpreter on linux (debian stable 9). possible compile code executables? tried checking options, , compile executable option not seem there:

$ rebol -v --help command line usage is:      rebol <options> <script> <arguments>  fields optional. supported options are:      --cgi (-c)       check cgi input     --do expr        evaluate expression     --link url       connect link     --help (-?)      display usage information     --nowindow (-w)  not open window     --noinstall (-i) not install (link, view)     --quiet (-q)     don't print banners     --reinstall (+i) force install (link, view)     --script file    explicitly specify script     --secure level   set security: allow ask throw quit     --trace (-t)     enable trace mode     --uninstall (-u) uninstall rebol (link, view)     --version tuple  minimum version of script, when url (view)     --noviewtop (-v) not start viewtop (view desktop)  special command line options:      +q               force not quiet (link, view)     -s               no security     +s               full security     -- args          provide args without script  examples:      rebol script.r     rebol -s script.r     rebol script.r 10:30 test@domain.dom     rebol --do "verbose: true" script.r     rebol -cswq     rebol --cgi --secure throw --script cgi.r "debug: true"     rebol --version 1.2.3 ; view 

can compile rebol code executable code on linux/windows? help.

rebol/view can packed interpreter using product called encap available rebol technologies. don't know if still sell this, or if company still exists.

red, rebol 2 clone enhanced gui, can compile binary far know.

ren-c, rebol3 derivative, can compiled c source can compile in code want. however, there no gui support @ present though 1 branch in planning add this.


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