apache - 2 rewrite rules not working together -

i have rewrite rule product detail page instead of url being


it instead:


this rewrite rule:

rewriterule ^([0-9a-za-z-]+)$ product-detail.php?slug=$1 [nc,l] 

however, need 1 regional dealers. add .htaccess, product detail rule stops working in blank page displayed when navigating product. how can them both work?

rewriterule ^([0-9a-za-z-]+)$ dealers.php?slug=$1 [nc,l] 

it's because matching regex identical, , first 1 of them matches , you're done. need wrapping php script can sort out or have other token in regex limit scope. example products under /products , dealers under /dealers, , like:

  rewriterule ^/dealers/([0-9a-za-z-]+)$ /dealers.php?slug=$1 [nc,l]   rewriterule ^/products/([0-9a-za-z-]+)$ /products.php?slug=$1 [nc,l] 


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