amazon web services - AWS S3 Put not getting picked up by Lambda -

i have lambda job detecting s3 put bucket , moving bucket b. have lambda job detects s3 put bucket b , actions file.

for reason, automatic put bucket b bucket lambda job not getting triggered. if upload manually bucket b, lambda job triggered.

it exact same code, , presumably same action of s3 put, , have no idea why may happening.

do guys have inputs? thank you!

it exact same code, , presumably same action of s3 put


there 5 different events, representing 4 different ways create object, , wildcard.

s3:objectcreated:put s3:objectcreated:post s3:objectcreated:copy s3:objectcreated:completemultipartupload  s3:objectcreated:* 

you want last one, unless deliberately want restrict actions fire events... sounds tied event first one. "moving" object 1 bucket done copy operation... not always. go wildcard unless have specific reason not to.


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