javascript - How to fix Twitter Bootstrap css missing for the tooltip? -

i have problem tooltip using bootstrap. tooltip appears, it's without css. see box tooltip without css.

but if add line:

<script src="http//"></script> 

right before calling css calls:


then css appears , tooltip displays properly. thing we're using version 3.3.1 , once change javascript line version stops working.

this how we're configuring js on system:

// file: require-setup.js // // declare variable before loading requirejs javascript library // config requirejs after it’s loaded, pass below object require.config();  var require = {      shim : {         "bootstrap" : { "deps" :['jquery'] },         'treegrid' : { "deps" :['bootstrap'] },         "treegridbs3" : { "deps" :['treegrid'] },         "tagsinput" : { "deps" :['bootstrap'] },         "typeahead" : { "deps" :['bootstrap'] },         "combobox" : { "deps" :['bootstrap'] },         "datepicker" : { "deps" :['bootstrap'] },         "moment" : { "deps" :['jquery'] },         "datetimepicker" : { "deps" :['bootstrap','moment'] },         "touchspin" : { "deps" :['bootstrap'] },         "metismenu" : { "deps" :['bootstrap'] },         "jquery-ui" : { "deps" :['jquery'] },         "fancytree" : { "deps" :['jquery-ui'] },         "": { "deps" :['jquery'] },         "datatables": { "deps" :['bootstrap', ''] },         "jquery-browser": { "deps" :['jquery'] }     },     paths: {          "jquery" : "",         "bootstrap" :  "",         "tagsinput" :  "",         "typeahead" :  "",         "treegridbs3"  :  "",          "treegrid"  : "",         "datepicker"  : "",         "moment" : "",         "datetimepicker" : "",         "touchspin" : "",         "metismenu" : "",         "jquery-ui" : "",         "fancytree" : "",         "" : "",         "datatables" : "",         "combobox" : "",         "jquery-browser" : ""     }      //"datatables" : "",     //"datatables_bs3" : ""  }; //"jquery" : "../../assets/javascripts/jquery-2.1.3", 

and that's how html starts:

<html lang="en" class="no-js" xmlns=""     xmlns:th=""     xmlns:layout=""> <head> <title>cost centre management</title>  <script type="text/javascript"     src="../../assets/javascripts/require-setup.js"     th:src="@{/assets/require-setup.js}">  </script> <script type="text/javascript"     src="">  </script> 

at point on html have should display tooltip:

<td><a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right"                                                             title="wireframe fund"                                                             th:title="|${costcentresearchresult.funddescription}|"                                                             th:text="${costcentresearchresult.fundcode}">fund_code</a>                                                         </td> 

note: line @ end of html. after jquery.


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