lme4 - Repeated Measure Syntax When Using LMER in R -

i have following data.frame

  id overlap.image.om.before.om overlap.image.om.after.om acesscore panaspreom_amused panaspostom_amused panaspreom_happy panaspostom_happy   aceslog  acessqr   3 6192                 3.07092199                 3.3758865         2         0.5886525          1.3617021       0.07801418         0.7588652 0.6931472 1.414214   4 6191                 0.07092199                 0.3758865         0         0.5886525          1.3617021       0.07801418         0.7588652      -inf 0.000000   6 8421                -0.92907801                -1.6241135         0         0.5886525          1.3617021       1.07801418        -0.2411348      -inf 0.000000   7 9991                -1.92907801                 0.3758865        10         0.5886525          0.3617021      -0.92198582         0.7588652 2.3025851 3.162278   8 9992                 1.07092199                -2.6241135         5        -0.4113475          0.3617021       1.07801418        -0.2411348 1.6094379 2.236068   9 7612                 1.07092199                -0.6241135         1        -2.4113475         -0.6382979      -0.92198582        -0.2411348 0.0000000 1.000000 

i'm trying run model uses panaspreom_amused , couple other factors predict panaspostom_amused. names indicate, continuous/pre-post measure. 2 overlap measures pre/post.

i'd have final model:

out.fit<- lmer(panaspostom_happy ~ panaspreom_happy * overlap.image.om.before.om* overlap.image.om.after.om * aceslog + (overlap.image.om.before.om*overlap.image.om.after.om|id), data=mdata) error: number of levels of each grouping factor must < number of observations 

when tried narrow down bare bones, throws same error, leading me think isn't i'm over-complicating model there syntactical issue.

out.fit<- lmer(panaspostom_happy ~ panaspreom_happy + (1+panaspreom_happy|id), data=data) error: number of levels of each grouping factor must < number of observations 

i believe issue not correctly indicating these measures repeated/continuous , thinks different factors each.


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