How to make daterangepicker stay open always -

can me how make daterangepicker stay open always? daterangepicker url "". cannot find option make possible. can suggest how make it?

what have tried far is


<div class="row">     <div id='divtest'>         <input id="txtassetcategorybootstrapdaterangepicker" class="form-control" />     </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> 


 $('#txtassetcategorybootstrapdaterangepicker').daterangepicker({         inline: true,         singledatepicker: false,         startdate: moment().subtract(30, 'days'),         enddate: moment(),         mindate: moment().subtract(30, 'days'),         maxdate: moment(),         //ranges: { 'today': [moment(), moment()-29] }      }); 

and document.ready here

$(document).ready(function () {      $('').show(); }); 

in options in library, there nothing available show daterangepicker in open mode.

please suggest.

u can write snippet think wrk.put in document ready function.



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