how to get package name of application being displayed on screen in a foreground service, android? -

i want package name of application being displayed on screen @ time. using foreground service used method below, gives me mycurrent application's packagename if opens app e.g youtube,camer etc, , mobile's if @ home screen.

  activitymanager activitymanager = (activitymanager) getsystemservice(context.activity_service);             activitymanager.runningtaskinfo foregroundtaskinfo = activitymanager.getrunningtasks(1).get(0);             packag= foregroundtaskinfo.topactivity.getpackagename();             log.i("pack",packag); 

well, below api-level 21 or loolipop, can whole package activity class, api-22 can't whole application package activity because of security reasons.

as know android not going secure phone, that's why activity name restricted.


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