swing - Java checkbox state in another class -

how pass actual checkbox state (true/false) gui class class? want run part of code if checkbox in gui selected. guess has if statement (highlithed part below) cant working.

public class csvtoxls {      public static void main() throws ioexception {     //here enter path directory.     //for example: path workdir = paths.get("c:\\users\\kamil\desktop\\csvtoxlspython\\nowy folder (2)")     jfilechooser jfc = new jfilechooser(filesystemview.getfilesystemview().gethomedirectory());     jfc.setdialogtitle("wybierz folder konwersji: ");     jfc.setfileselectionmode(jfilechooser.directories_only);     jfc.setacceptallfilefilterused(false);     int returnvalue = jfc.showsavedialog(null);     if (returnvalue == jfilechooser.approve_option) {         if (jfc.getselectedfile().isdirectory()) {             system.out.println("you selected directory: " + jfc.getselectedfile());              string z;             //@suppresswarnings("deprecation")             path workdir = jfc.getselectedfile().topath();             system.out.println(workdir);             //path workdir = filesystems.getdefault(jfc.getcurrentdirectory()).jfc.getcurrentdirectory();              //path workdir = paths.get(gui.pickpath(jfc));              file dirg = jfc.getselectedfile();             //string str = dirg.getpath();              //  *************   code issue *************             if textarealogprogram.checkbox.isselected() {                 try {                     thread.sleep(5000);                 //1000 milliseconds 1 second.                 } catch(interruptedexception ex) {                     thread.currentthread().interrupt();                 }                 string str = dirg.getpath();                 delfiles td = new delfiles();                  td.deletefiles(str + "/", ".csv");                 system.out.println("success!");                 msgbox.infobox("succes!", "csvtoxls");             } 

gui class:

public class textarealogprogram extends jframe {     private jtextarea textarea;     private jbutton buttonstart = new jbutton("convert");     private jbutton buttonclear = new jbutton("clear");     private printstream standardout;      public textarealogprogram() {         super("csvtoxls");         jcheckbox checkbox = new jcheckbox();         add(checkbox);         checkbox.settext("delete files");         checkbox.setselected(true); 

your other class need method or constructor parameter able accept value other class

see passing information method or constructor more details

other issues:

  • your program structure needs redone completely. right main method large, meaning you're doing within static world , not using java best oops advantage.
  • before thinking of creating gui, first create non-gui "model" classes program need. classes, these should have minimal static fields , methods, , strive follow object-oriented best practices
  • you've got thread.sleep within gui code, not work swing gui's since risks putting entire gui sleep, making non-responsive. if want swing delays, use swing timer (google excellent tutorial on this)
  • you're trying check checkbox if static field of textarealogprogram class. it's not static field , in fact not field of class.
  • the fact you're doing above suggests benefit studying introductory tutorials on object-oriented programming , java -- putting cart before horse trying create gui before first understanding java fundamentals. again, won't regret effort expended doing this.
  • whatever do, don't make jcheckbox static field , try access way. lead spaghetti code , increased risk bugs.
  • instead, make non-static (instance) private field of textarealogprogram class, , give class getter method allow other objects access jcheckgbox's state.
  • there's more can mentioned code , problem... now.


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