python - How to loop through a 2d list/tuple in a certain order and user input? -

i want make 2d list/tuple , loop through user input, mean advance 1 "block" of list/tuple when user gives input to.


1 4 7

2 5 8

3 6 9

so start in 1 default program should ask user input advance or not advance through list , display contained section.

when last number reached (in case 9) go beginning , keep going indefinitely.

i have thinking how hours , reached conclusion programming knowledge pretty basic solve on own... sadly.

i'm beginner after all.

i have tried many things scratched everything, not seeing here.

a while loop , counter work problem:

s = [[1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [3, 6, 9]] answer = "y" count = 0 while answer == "y":    if count == len(s):       count = 0    in s[count]:        print(i)    answer = input("do want continue?")[0].lower()    count += 1 


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