java - ProgressBar and multithreading javafx -

i have applications search page , specified number of links. each link retrieved separate thread. simple code this:

    public class getlinkthread implements runnable {     public int page;     public getlinkthread(int page) { = page;     }     @override     public void run() {         try {             parser.parseandaddlinktoset(page);//this method links sites , save set         } catch (ioexception e) {             e.printstacktrace();         }     } } 

in parseandaddlinktoset(int page) method string root = "" + page; send page number crawled links.

and run this:

executorservice executorservice = executors.newcachedthreadpool();     for(int = 1 ; < 4 ; i++){//in case run 3 threads         executorservice.execute(new getlinkthread(i));     }     executorservice.shutdown();     executorservice.awaittermination(1, timeunit.hours); 

i want make progressbar when downloading links show link being downloaded given thread. can make progressbar don't know how make progressbar run in background , threads.

so question is, how can add progressbar application? progressbar running when crawling page , display current page?


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