python - Get text of next sibling based on text of previous sibling -

i have following html:

<div id="infotable">     <h4>       user     </h4>     <table>         <tbody>             <tr>                 <td class="name">                     <a href="/userpage/123">billybob12345</a>                 </td>             </tr>             <tr>                 <td class="name">                     <a href="/userpage/124">jimbob43</a>                 </td>             </tr>         </tbody>     </table>     <h4>       super user     </h4>     <table>         <tbody>             <tr>                 <td class="name">                     <a href="/userpage/112">cookiemonster</a>                 </td>             </tr>         </tbody>     </table> </div> 

basically, looking 2 lists:

users = [{"billybob12345" : "123"}, {"jimbob43" : "124"}] superusers = [{"cookiemonster" : "112"}] 

i using python 2.7 beautifulsoup4 , able find of users, can't split them respectful groups.

if happen know in order, use list comprehension create lists of dictionaries, parsing "userpage" number using .split('/'):

firsttable = soup.findall('table')[0] users = [{a.text : a['href'].split('/')[2]} in firsttable.findall('a')]  secondtable = soup.findall('table')[1] superusers = [{a.text : a['href'].split('/')[2]} in secondtable.findall('a')] 

>>> users [{'billybob12345': '123'}, {'jimbob43': '124'}] >>> superusers [{'cookiemonster': '112'}] 

if want access name "users" use dictionary, can use:

>>> firsttable.previoussibling.previoussibling <h4>       user     </h4> 


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