process - Opening AD from with different credentials -

i have found following code

    dim p new processstartinfo {         .filename = "c:\windows\system32\dsa.msc",         .arguments = "/savecred /user:domain\username"     }       ' start process     process.start(p) 

i want able pass following cmd prompts username

c:\windows\system32\runas.exe /savecred /user:domain\username "c:\windows\system32\mmc.exe c:\windows\system32\dsa.msc" 

which works opening app not pass username or prompt password, cant figure out how forse different cred along arguments.

ideas ??

ok figured out - here code used

function converttosecurestring(byval str string)     dim password new securestring     each c char in str.tochararray         password.appendchar(c)     next     return password end function  private sub button2_click(sender object, e eventargs) handles      dim passwordstring string     passwordstring = "..........."     dim password securestring = converttosecurestring(passwordstring)       ' new processstartinfo created     dim p new processstartinfo      ' specify location of binary     p.filename = "mmc.exe"     p.workingdirectory = "c:\windows\system32\"     ' use these arguments process     p.arguments = "dsa.msc"     p.domain = "........"     p.username = "......."     p.password = password     p.useshellexecute = false     ' start process     process.start(p)   end sub 


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