performance - How to structure JavaScript loading and deps? -

i have lots of javascript on site, including jquery, jquery ui (autocomplete), ads, social widgets, internal scripts, metrics (like ga) , on. structure how resources being loaded (from top priority lowest):

  • jquery & jquery ui enable auto-complete;
  • internal scripts;
  • ads;
  • metrics;
  • social widgets.

currently moved scripts bottom , loading them async (except jquery isn't handling onload if async-loaded). load js stuff after content, loaded in specific order.

what industry-grade solution task?

load javascript.js ou wanted :

function include(src){    var scriptelem = document.createelement('script');    scriptelem.setattribute('src',src);    scriptelem.setattribute('type','text/javascript');    document.getelementsbytagname('head')[0].appendchild(scriptelem); };  // import random query parameter avoid caching function includenocaches(src){   var ms = new date().gettime().tostring();   var timer= "?" + ms;   include(src + timer); }  //simple use :  if (myfunction){    // loaded } else{ // not loaded yet    include(''); } 

you can using yui compressor compress javascript command line or run jslint ...


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