r - tmap: Unsightly white borders Mac/Rstudio -

when doing this:

library(tmap) data("europe") tm_shape(europe)+ tm_polygons(col="black",lwd = na) 

i'm getting unsightly white borders tmap. tried tm_fill , tm_polygons. , border.col=na or lwd=0.

this happens in rstudio when i'm exporting pdf or png.

thin white lines

getting crazy , appreciate help. thanks!

r version 3.4.0 (2017-04-21) platform: x86_64-apple-darwin16.5.0 (64-bit) running under: macos sierra 10.12.5  matrix products: default blas:/system/library/frameworks/accelerate.framework/versions/a/frameworks/veclib.framework/versions/a/libblas.dylib  lapack: /usr/local/cellar/openblas/0.2.19_1/lib/libopenblasp-r0.2.19.dylib  locale: [1] de_de.utf-8/de_de.utf-8/de_de.utf-8/c/de_de.utf-8/de_de.utf-8  attached base packages: [1] stats     graphics  grdevices utils     datasets  methods   base       loaded via namespace (and not attached): [1] compiler_3.4.0 tools_3.4.0    

update goal choropleth map. setting border-color 1 specific value not work in case. make guess, can imagine, this similar problem - although problem occurs in rstudio itself.

try setting border.col , lwd @ same time, this:

library(tmap)  data("europe") tm_shape(europe)+ tm_polygons(col="black",border.col="black",lwd = 1) 


enter image description here


if don't have option of setting border.col specific color, try alternative:

#set border color transparent data("europe") tm_shape(europe)+ tm_polygons(col="black",border.col="transparent") 


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