java - How can I switch activities when clicking a date using a DatePicker in Android Studio? -

i new android studio, , know how switch activity after clicking date using datepicker? or, @ least, make text appear on screen after clicking date. have read documentation datepicker , looked @ tutorials , reason, still lost on this. advice appreciated.

(edit) alright, did more work , found out missing onclicklistener. problem text date changes if click on border of datepicker , not actual date.

currently, code follows:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  < xmlns:android=""      xmlns:app=""      xmlns:tools=""      android:layout_width="match_parent"      android:layout_height="match_parent"      tools:context="com.example.wes19_000.working_on_it.mainmenu">        <datepicker          android:id="@+id/datepicker2"          android:layout_width="wrap_content"          android:layout_height="wrap_content"          tools:layout_editor_absolutex="18dp"          tools:layout_editor_absolutey="16dp"          tools:ignore="missingconstraints"          android:clickable="true"          />        <textview          android:id="@+id/textview2"          android:layout_width="wrap_content"          android:layout_height="wrap_content"          android:text="@string/datetext"          tools:layout_editor_absolutex="162dp"          tools:layout_editor_absolutey="461dp"          tools:ignore="missingconstraints" />    </>

import;  import android.os.bundle;  import android.view.view;  import android.widget.datepicker;  import android.widget.textview;    public class mainmenu extends appcompatactivity implements view.onclicklistener {      private datepicker datepicker;      private textview datetext;        @override      protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {          super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);          setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main_menu);          datepicker = (datepicker) findviewbyid(;          datepicker.setonclicklistener(this);          datetext = (textview)findviewbyid(;      }        @override      public void onclick(view v) {          int day = datepicker.getdayofmonth();          int month = datepicker.getmonth();          int year = datepicker.getyear();          string date = (month + 1) + "/" + day + "/" + year;          datetext.settext(date);      }  }

datepicker supports listener, need initialize date picker in order use listener.

datepicker.init(2000,6,15, new datepicker.ondatechangedlistener(){...}); 

see documentation more details.


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