javascript - How to sum only numbers in array with different value types with reduce? -

i need sum numbers of array reduce don’t know how.

this code , attempt:

let arr = [1,2,3,4,6,true,"dio brando", false,10,"yare yare"];  let sum = arr.reduce((a.b)=> typeof.a =="number" && typeof.b =="number"? a+b :false) console.log(sum); 

you need make following changes:

  • (a.b) should (a, b), it's function parameters
  • there's no such thing "typeof.a", should "typeof a"

i've rewritten more helpful variable names explain what's going on in reduce.

const arr = [1,2,3,4,6,true,"dio brando", false,10,"yare yare"];    const sum = arr.reduce( (sumsofar, nextvalue) => {     if ( typeof nextvalue === "number" && isfinite(nextvalue) ) {        return sumsofar + nextvalue;     }     //skip otherwise     return sumsofar;  }, 0); //sum starting 0      console.log(sum);


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