mysql - GoLang Dynamic SQL Query in App Engine -

i want make dynamic sql in golang , cant seem find correct way it.

basically, want do:

query := "select id, email, user"  var paramvalues []string filterstring := ""  if != "" {     paramstring += " id = ?"     paramvalues = append(paramvalues, }  if userparams.userid != "" {     if len(paramstring) > 0 {         paramstring += " and"     } else {         paramstring += " where"     }      paramstring += " email = ?"     paramvalues = append(paramvalues, userparams.userid) } stmtout, err := db.prepare(query + paramstring)  err = stmtout.queryrow(paramvalues).scan(&id, &email, &something) 

related building dynamic query in mysql , golang

i've been unable find solid way doesn't allow sql injection. issue above solution queryrow() not take []string parameter.

i want protect sql injection, fmt.sprintf doesn't solve problem.

this way can allow searches on user using either id or email, , use logic different objects more searchable fields.

i'm using go-sql-driver/mysql

here's can run on local machine (go1.8 linux/amd64 , current go mysql driver 1.3).

couple of ways demonstrated.

package main  import (     "database/sql"     "log"      _ ""      "fmt" )  // var db *sql.db // var err error  /* database name/schema : test123 table name: test table columns , types: number int (primary key) cube int */  func main() {     //username root, password root     db, err :="mysql", "root:root@tcp(")      if err != nil {         fmt.println(err) // needs proper handling per app requirement         return     }     defer db.close()      err =     if err != nil {         fmt.println(err) // needs proper handling per app requirement         return     }      //prepared statement inserting data     stmtins, err := db.prepare("insert test values( ?, ? )") // ? = placeholders     if err != nil {         panic(err.error()) // needs proper handling per app requirement     }     defer stmtins.close()      //insert cubes of 1- 10 numbers      := 1; < 10; i++ {         _, err = stmtins.exec(i, (i * * i)) // insert tuples (i, i^3)         if err != nil {             panic(err.error()) // proper error handling instead of panic in app         }     }      num := 3      // select statement      dataentity := "cube"     condition := "where number=? , cube > ?"     finalstatement := "select " + dataentity + " test " + condition     cubelowerlimit := 10      var mycube int     err = db.queryrow(finalstatement, num, cubelowerlimit).scan(&mycube)     switch {     case err == sql.errnorows:         log.printf("no row number %d", num)     case err != nil:         log.fatal(err)     default:         fmt.printf("cube %d %d\n", num, mycube)     }      var cubenum int      // //prepared statement reading data     stmtread, err := db.prepare(finalstatement)     if err != nil {         panic(err.error()) // needs proper err handling     }     defer stmtread.close()      // query cube of 5     num = 5     err = stmtread.queryrow(num, cubelowerlimit).scan(&cubenum)     switch {     case err == sql.errnorows:         log.printf("no row number %d", num)     case err != nil:         log.fatal(err)     default:         fmt.printf("cube number %d %d\n", num, cubenum)     }  } 

if run subsequent times, need delete rows in database inserts won't create panic (or alternatively change insert rows code doesn't panic). haven't tried on google app engine. hope helps.


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