Laravel 5.4: attach custom service provider to a controller -

i created service provider named adminserviceprovider

namespace app\providers; use modules\orders\models\orders; use illuminate\support\serviceprovider; use view; class adminserviceprovider extends serviceprovider     {          public function boot()         {             $comments = orders::get_new_comments();             view::share('comments', $comments);         }         public function register()         {          }     } 

registered provider


now try attach controller

namespace app\http\controllers\admin;  use illuminate\http\request; use app\http\controllers\controller; use app\providers\adminserviceprovider;  class admincontroller extends controller {     public $lang;      public function __construct()     {     }      public function index(){         return view('admin/dashboard');     } } 

now error message

undefined variable: comments 

this first time try use custom service provider , don't know how works i'm sure there's missing hope can help. in advance.


removed use app\providers\adminserviceprovider; controller

php artisan clear-compiled solved problem want attach controllers not controllers $comments sent contollers in app. how attach service provider specific controllers not of them?

for undefined variable run: php artisan clear-compiled solve it

if want share variable in of views can create middleware , assign views want share data with:

  • first create middleware: php artisan make:middleware somename
  • then in handle function add view sharing logic:
 $comments = orders::get_new_comments();   view()->share('comments',$comments);  return $next($request);     
  • then register middleware under $routemiddleware array , give alias.

then attach routes like:

route::group(['middleware'=> 'yourmiddlewwarename'], function(){   //your routes }); 


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