html - Displaying Math with MathJax -

i trying learn how display math equations mathjax. tweaked code codepen , works fine:

    `<!doctype html> <head>     <script src=''></script> <style> p {     font-size: 22px; } </style>  </head><body> <script type="text/x-mathjax-config">   mathjax.hub.config({     tex2jax: { inlinemath: [['$', '$']] },     elements: ['math']   }); </script>  <p id="math"> find value of:  $\huge{\frac {3.41 \times 10^3}{1.80 \times 10^2}}$ , enter answer within box. </p> 


however, when add 1 more paragraph , enter math in there, not display math. displays text. suggestions? thank you.

include next paragraph id in elements: ['math'] array in mathjax config.


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