bash - Fully disable mouse in console vim - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange

i saw completely disable mouse in console vim on stack overflow. sounded wanted, there problem related cygwin, title misnomer.

i want know how completely disable all mouse interactions in vim on console. don't want scrolling, selecting, clicking, or otherwise looking @ mouse have effect within vim.

i having mouse in console, not when i'm using vim. possible?

i have laptop ubuntu installed on , when type, touch pad mouse decides randomly click or drag between random coordinates on screen, when try hardest not touch damned thing. has effect of me typing code in wrong places time, , it's getting old because introduces subtle irreversible bugs code.

i've been able rid of scrolling , visual select using commands below in .vimrc, still relocate cursor when click.

" disable mouse interactions " set mouse=nicr map <scrollwheelup> <nop> map <s-scrollwheelup> <nop> map <c-scrollwheelup> <nop> map <scrollwheeldown> <nop> map <s-scrollwheeldown> <nop> map <c-scrollwheeldown> <nop> map <scrollwheelleft> <nop> map <s-scrollwheelleft> <nop> map <c-scrollwheelleft> <nop> map <scrollwheelright> <nop> map <s-scrollwheelright> <nop> map <c-scrollwheelright> <nop> 

what else need do?

p.s. tried set mouse=, seems reenable visual select...

this partial solution @ best, can globally disable mouse/touchpad while vim running xinput in shell script:

xinput set-prop $id "device enabled" 0 

and then

xinput set-prop $id "device enabled" 1 

when you're ready have touchpad work again.

use xinput --list id of pointing device.


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