R leaflet highlight options -

i highlighting line on r leaflet using following command

library(leaflet) m = leaflet() %>% addtiles(group = "openstreetmap")  x <- c(1,5,4,8) y <- c(1,3,4,7) data = sp::spatiallines(list(sp::lines(sp::line(cbind(x,y)), id="a")))  addpolylines(smoothfactor = 0.4, map = m, data=data, opacity = 0.3, weight = 2, color = "black", label = "text", popup = "text1", highlightoptions = highlightoptions(bringtofront = true, opacity = 1, weight = 5, sendtoback = false, color = "white")) 

is there way ensure line stays white until click somewhere else (either on line or on somewhere else on map)?


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