postgresql - Getting "Error parsing arguments for import " while trying to importing tables from postgres to HDFS? -

i using following command import database :

sqoop import --connect 'jdbc:postgresql://' -p \ --username 'capacityprediction_user'\ --table 'raw_hd' \ --target-dir '/home/raw_hd' 

i new hadoop ,i have followed below link

error getting :

17/09/14 05:32:24 error tool.basesqooptool: error parsing arguments import: 17/09/14 05:32:24 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: raw_hd 17/09/14 05:32:24 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: --target-dir 17/09/14 05:32:24 error tool.basesqooptool: unrecognized argument: /home/raw_hd 


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