How to create and use Pipelines via Java API in ElasticSearch -

i'm trying create timestamp attach documents indexed. know possible in query dsl via below set of commands. cannot find out how through java api. have of done before?


delete anindex   put _ingest/pipeline/timestamp {     "description" : "describe pipeline",     "processors" : [{                       "set" : {                                 "field": "timestamp",                                 "value": "{{_ingest.timestamp}}"                               }                     }]                }   put anindex {    "mappings": {                  "jeff": {                          }                } }   put anindex/jeff/id10?pipeline=timestamp {   "hi": "jeff" }   anindex/jeff/id10 

as far know, elasticsearch doesn't have java api defining ingest pipeline. work around, can following define ingest pipeline java using httpurlconnection:

url obj = new url("http://localhost:9200/_ingest/pipeline/timestamp"); string json = "{\n" +          "  \"description\": \"describe pipeline\",\n" +          "  \"processors\": [\n" +          "    {\n" +          "      \"set\": {\n" +          "        \"field\": \"timestamp\",\n" +          "        \"value\": \"{{_ingest.timestamp}}\"\n" +          "      }\n" +          "    }\n" +          "  ]\n" +          "}"; httpurlconnection con = (httpurlconnection) obj.openconnection();  con.setrequestmethod("put"); con.setdoinput(true); con.setdooutput(true); con.setrequestproperty("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");  outputstreamwriter osw = new outputstreamwriter(con.getoutputstream()); osw.write(json); osw.flush(); osw.close();  system.out.println(con.getresponsecode() + " : " + con.getresponsemessage()); if (con != null)     con.disconnect(); 

and now, below java code indexing document passing them through created "timestamp" ingest pipeline:

transportclient client = buildtransportclient();  map<string, object> object = new hashmap<string, object>(); object.put("user","kimchy"); object.put("postdate",new date()); object.put("message","trying out elasticsearch");  indexresponse response = client.prepareindex("test", "test", "100")         .setsource(object)         .setpipeline("timestamp")         .get();  system.out.println(response); 


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