typescript - Ionic find contacts -

i trying search in ionic 2 application on phone number has +1 in front of it.

import { component } '@angular/core';   import { ionicpage, navcontroller, navparams } 'ionic-angular';  import { callnumber } '@ionic-native/call-number';  import {contacts, contact, contactfield, contactaddress, contactname,contactfindoptions} '@ionic-native/contacts';  import {contactinterface} "../../models/interfaces/contactinterface";   /**  * generated class contactmenupage page.  *  * see http://ionicframework.com/docs/components/#navigation more info  * on ionic pages , navigation.  */ @ionicpage() @component({   selector: 'page-contact-menu',   templateurl: 'contact-menu.html', }) export class contactmenupage {    contact : contactinterface;    constructor(public navctrl: navcontroller,               public navparams: navparams,               private callnumber: callnumber,               private contactctrl: contacts) {       this.contact = this.navparams.get('contact');       this.contact.exists = false;   }    ionviewdidload() {      this.contact.exists = false;     console.log(this.contact.cell[0]);      var options = new contactfindoptions();     options.hasphonenumber = true;     options.filter = this.contact.cell[0];     options.multiple = true;      this.contactctrl.find(['phonenumbers'], options).then(         (contacts) => {             console.log(contacts);         }     );      } 

whenever gives me first contact added contacts list. must not give me if there no matches.

could give me pointers?

the code above uses contact plugin cordova , returns array of contact objects. dont know why wasnt working before working above code fine


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