java - Max Zero Binary Gap colidity practice test StringOutOfBounds Exception -
this colidity binary gap problem. restrictions o(logn) runtime , o(1) space complexity.
write function:
class solution { public int solution(int n); }
that, given positive integer n, returns length of longest binary gap. function should return 0 if n doesn't contain binary gap.
for example, given n = 1041 function should return 5, because n has binary representation 10000010001 , longest binary gap of length 5.
i liked trying go solution , wondering if there way ignore out of bounds exception. tried try catch didn't work. there way out of or have different approach? here code:
import java.util.*; // can write stdout debugging purposes, e.g. // system.out.println("this debug message"); class solution { public int solution(int n) { int maxzero = 0; int j =0; int tempzero=0; //convert number binary string b = integer.tobinarystring(n); boolean zeroflag = false; //iterate on char array , check zeros for(int = 0; < b.length(); i++){ = j; //activate flag , check gap if(b.charat(i) == '1' && b.charat(i+1) == '0'){ zeroflag = true; //reset temp tempzero = 0; j++; //a bit string never start 0 can never stuck while(zeroflag == true && b.charat(j) != '1'){ j++; tempzero++; if(b.charat(j) == '1'){ break; } } //reset zeroflag zeroflag == false; //compare temp , max find new max if(tempzero > maxzero){ maxzero = tempzero; } } } //now return max 0 return maxzero; } }
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