html - svg issue with safari when zooming in -

i have svg using values pixels (cx, cy, r). when open in safari , cmd + "+" or cmd + "-" messes up. don't know how fix this. problem doesn't happen chrome.

the computed values styles change when doing 1 of 2 actions. don't want them change.

body {    background-color: black;  }    .container {    width: 28%;    height: 28%;    position: absolute;    top: 50%;    left: 50%;    transform: translatex(-50%) translatey(-50%);  }    .circle {    transform-origin: center center;  }  .circle-1 {    transform: rotatez(0deg) translatez(0);    stroke-dasharray: 220;    stroke-dashoffset: 20;  }  .circle-2 {    transform: rotatez(540deg) translatez(0);    stroke-dasharray: 176;    stroke-dashoffset: 20;  }  .circle-3 {    transform: rotatez(72deg) translatez(0);    stroke-dasharray: 132;    stroke-dashoffset: 30;  }
<!-- reproduce, open in safari e.g. safari 10.1 , click command + "+". positioning circles changes. doesn't happen in chrome -->    <svg class="container" xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 73 73">    <circle class="circle circle-1" cx="36.5" cy="36.5" r="35" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="2"></circle>    <circle class="circle circle-2" cx="36.5" cy="36.5" r="28" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="2"></circle>    <circle class="circle circle-3" cx="36.5" cy="36.5" r="21" fill="none" stroke="#fff" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="2"></circle>  </svg>

here codepen:


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