Transfer multidimensional lua array from lua_State to lua_State C++ -

i have 2 scripts, each in different lua_state.

i trying able variable 1 state , use in other.

my code below works single variables , unidirectional arrays. guidance on making work multidimensional arrays?

void getvalues(lua_state* l1, lua_state* l2, int& returns) {     if (lua_isuserdata(l1, -1))     {         luaelement* e = luna<luaelement>::to_object(l1, -1);         if (e != null)         {             luna<luaelement>::push_object(l2, e);         }     }     else if (lua_isstring(l1, -1))     {         lua_pushstring(l2, lua_tostring(l1, -1));     }     else if (lua_isnumber(l1, -1))         lua_pushnumber(l2, lua_tonumber(l1, -1));     else if (lua_isboolean(l1, -1))         lua_pushboolean(l2, lua_toboolean(l1, -1));     else if (lua_istable(l1, -1))     {         lua_pushnil(l1);         lua_newtable(l2);         while (lua_next(l1, -2))         {             getvalues(l1, l2, returns);              lua_rawseti(l2,-2,returns-1);             lua_pop(l1, 1);         }         // lua_rawseti(l2,-2,returns); // needs work     }     returns++; } 

unfortunately i'm having tough time getting recursion right work multidimensional arrays.


for might useful:

void getvalues(lua_state* l1, lua_state* l2, int ind) {     if (lua_type(l1, -1) == lua_ttable)     {         lua_newtable(l2);         lua_pushnil(l1);         ind = 0;         while (lua_next(l1, -2))         {             // push key             if (lua_type(l1, -2) == lua_tstring)                 lua_pushstring(l2, lua_tostring(l1, -2));             else if (lua_type(l1, -2) == lua_tnumber)                 lua_pushnumber(l2, lua_tonumber(l1, -2));             else                 lua_pushnumber(l2, ind);              getvalues(l1, l2, ind++);             lua_pop(l1, 1);              lua_settable(l2, -3);         }     }     else if (lua_type(l1, -1) == lua_tstring)     {         lua_pushstring(l2, lua_tostring(l1, -1));     }     else if (lua_type(l1, -1) == lua_tnumber)     {         lua_pushnumber(l2, lua_tonumber(l1, -1));     }     else if (lua_type(l1, -1) == lua_tboolean)     {         lua_pushboolean(l2, lua_toboolean(l1, -1));     }     else if (lua_type(l1, -1) == lua_tuserdata)     {         // replace own user data. mine         luaelement* e = luna<luaelement>::to_object(l1, -1);         if (e != null)         {             luna<luaelement>::push_object(l2, e);         }     } } 

warning: l1 , l2 must different states.


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