jquery - Fade In/Out on Scroll Not Working In Safari -

i have below code fades images in scroll down , fades them out when scroll up:

<script>  jquery(window).on("load",function() {   jquery(window).scroll(function() {     var windowbottom = jquery(this).scrolltop() + jquery(this).innerheight();     jquery(".lookbook").each(function() {       /* check location of each desired element */       var objecttop = jquery(this).offset().top + jquery(this).outerheight();        /* if element within bounds of window, fade in */       if (objecttop -500 < windowbottom) { //object comes view (scrolling down)         if (jquery(this).css("opacity")==0.4) {jquery(this).fadeto(1500,1.0);}      } else { //object goes out of view (scrolling up)         if (jquery(this).css("opacity")==1.0) {jquery(this).fadeto(1500,0.4);}       }      });   }).scroll(); //invoke scroll-handler on page-load }); </script>  <style> .lookbook {opacity:0.4;} </style> 

this works fine when test in chrome , firefox not in safari. reason if change opacity 0 work in safari i.e.

<script>  jquery(window).on("load",function() {   jquery(window).scroll(function() {     var windowbottom = jquery(this).scrolltop() + jquery(this).innerheight();     jquery(".lookbook").each(function() {       /* check location of each desired element */       var objecttop = jquery(this).offset().top + jquery(this).outerheight();        /* if element within bounds of window, fade in */       if (objecttop -500 < windowbottom) { //object comes view (scrolling down)         if (jquery(this).css("opacity")==0) {jquery(this).fadeto(1500,1.0);}      } else { //object goes out of view (scrolling up)         if (jquery(this).css("opacity")==1.0) {jquery(this).fadeto(1500,0);}       }      });   }).scroll(); //invoke scroll-handler on page-load }); </script>  <style> .lookbook {opacity:0;} </style> 

any ideas why isn't working in safari when set opacity 0.4?

i testing in safari 10.1.2.

just suggestion here: why not check class being present on object , define bot classes. if it, ensure class has cross-browsing capabilities opacity prop. check https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/cross-browser-opacity/ ... if it... have:

.transparent_class {   /* ie 8 */   -ms-filter: "progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.alpha(opacity=40)";    /* ie 5-7 */   filter: alpha(opacity=40);    /* netscape */   -moz-opacity: 0.4;    /* safari 1.x */   -khtml-opacity: 0.4;    /* browsers */   opacity: 0.4; }   .visible_class {   /* ie 8 */   -ms-filter: "progid:dximagetransform.microsoft.alpha(opacity=100)";    /* ie 5-7 */   filter: alpha(opacity=100);    /* netscape */   -moz-opacity: 1.0;    /* safari 1.x */   -khtml-opacity: 1.0;    /* browsers */   opacity: 1.0; }  

and js code may check class being present, instead of having prop.

if (jquery(this).hasclass("transparent_class")) {jquery(this).addclass("visible_class", 1500).removeclass("transparent_class");} 

hope works you.


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