javascript - AJAX - unexpected token < in JSON doesn't call complete function -

i have ajax call saving record on 1 of pages. on button click, have processing image shown , on complete, image should hidden. but, if chance there error occurring on server side, error saying unexpected token < in json printed in browser's console , completed method not being called. ajax call :

jquery('body').on('click', "#save, function(e) {     jquery("processing").show();     jquery.ajax({         method : "post",         url : "useredit/",         data: {                      "userid" :         }     })     .success(function () {         table.ajax.reload();     })     .complete(function () {         jquery("processing").hide();     })     .error(function () {         jquery("processing").hide();     }); }); 

this making user feel process taking ever complete. there way hide processing image if ajax call completed errors? in advance


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