Issue with ColdFusion 2016 CFGrid update function -

this has worked fine many versions prior. after update coldfusion 2016, cfgrid produces error when trying update cell active status 2 3 item.

user updates cell , hits enter, refreshes grid , sees change not stored. cfdebug error ajax logger cfgridchanged undefined. suggestions on how make work in coldfusion 2016?

<cfgrid name="modify_pids"      height=525     autowidth="yes"     width=1040     vspace=10     selectmode="edit"     insert="no"     delete="no"             format="html"     selectonload = "no"     striperows = "yes"     selectcolor="cde6f3"     preservepageonsort="yes"     pagesize=100     sort=true     onchange="cfc:functions_pids.updatepid({cfgridaction},{cfgridrow},                        {cfgridchanged}, '#getcurruser.uid#')"     bind="cfc:functions_pids.getpids({cfgridpage},{cfgridpagesize},    {cfgridsortcolumn},{cfgridsortdirection}, '#mygridsortcolumn#', searchpid(),     searchdesc(), searchstat(), searchmoq(), searchcost(), searchunit(),     searchmodby(), searchmoddate() )">  <cfgridcolumn name="pid_id"         header="pid"         width=40         headeralign="center"         headerbold="yes"         select="no">     <cfgridcolumn name="description"         header="description"         width=150         headeralign="center"         headerbold="yes"         select="yes">      <cfgridcolumn name="active_status"         header="status<br>active=1,3<br>inactive=2"         width=35         headeralign="center"         headerbold="yes"         select="yes"         display="yes">        <cfgridcolumn name="moq"         header="moq"         width=20         headeralign="center"         headerbold="yes"         select="yes">       <cfgridcolumn name="cost"         header="cost"         width=40         headeralign="center"         headerbold="yes"         select="yes">       <cfgridcolumn name="unit"         header="unit"         width=40         headeralign="center"         headerbold="yes"         select="yes">      <cfgridcolumn name="modify"         header="modified by"         width=50         headeralign="center"         headerbold="no"         select="no">      <cfgridcolumn name="modify_date"         header="modified date"         width=60         headeralign="center"         headerbold="yes"         select="no"         type="date">      <cfgridcolumn name="pid_used"         header="inventory<br>instances"         width=50         headeralign="center"         headerbold="no"         select="no">          <cfgridcolumn name="inventory_sum"         header="inventory<br>total"         width=50         headeralign="center"         headerbold="no"         select="no">       </cfgrid> 

the section functions_pids.cfc

<cffunction name="updatepid" access="remote" output="false">      <cfargument name="cfgridaction">     <cfargument name="cfgridrow">     <cfargument name="cfgridchanged">              <cfargument name="getcurruser"> <!--- pass in modified user id --->     <cfargument name="pid_id" required="no" type="string" default="" >      <cfset strctkey=structkeyarray(cfgridchanged) />     <cfset strctval=structfindkey(cfgridchanged, strctkey[1]) />     <cfset strctval=strctval[1] />      <cfif cfgridaction "d">    <cfelseif cfgridaction "u">       <cfquery name="update" datasource="#request.dbname#" username="#request.dbuser#" password="#request.dbpw#">       update pids       set #strctkey[1]# = '#strctval.value#',       modify = '#getcurruser#',       modify_date =  '#dateformat(createodbcdatetime( now()), "mm/dd/yyyy")#'       pid_id = '#cfgridrow.pid_id#'     </cfquery>    <cfelseif cfgridaction "i">     </cfif>    <cfreturn />  </cffunction> 

promoted comments

which update did apply when broke? know adobe released update couple of days ago - update 5. update includes changes cfgrid ajax functionality. bugs fixed in coldfusion (2016 release) update 5

bugs fixed in coldfusion (2016 release) update 5

bug id        description                                         component cf-4198947    cfgrid scripting options not work expected.   ajax : ui components  cf-4198855    cfquery requests result in following error message:               access denied (""                "c:\coldfusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\web-inf\classes\macromedia\sqlserverutil\" "read") database  cf-4198854    piechart not displayed 1 item (100%).    charting/graphing  cf-4198761    on linux os, cfdocument not generate chart in pdf. document management : pdf generation  cf-4198817    cfquery returns cached results when cachedafter date updated after date of original cached query date, still past date.  database : cfquery  cf-4198816    changes cached query results persisted cache.  database : cfquery  cf-4198764    when loading template first time, template displays cftoken, however, second refresh token disappears. core runtime : session management  cf-4198589    method invocation through ajaxproxy fails if required arguments passed.    ajax : plumbing  cf-4198570    datefield attribute in cfinput not display value of attribute. cfform : html  cf-4198559    elvis operator fails when used argument scope. core runtime  cf-4198513    cache not updated expected. caching  cf-4195407    cfinput type="datefield" generates invalid html code.   cfform  cf-4182090    when sandbox security enabled, unable connect sql server.  security 


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