python - Visual Studio Django app fails to build with StaticRootPath error -

i'm writing first django app, , have encountered problem. when go build project in visual studio, build fails without giving errors. way can show me error @ changing output diagnostic mode, @ point shows me this:

target "detectstaticrootpath" in file "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft  visual studio\2017\community\msbuild\microsoft\visualstudio\v15.0\python  tools\microsoft.pythontools.django.targets" project  "c:\users\oem\documents\tsm_shared\student-marketplace-v2\ecommerce  test\ecommerce test.pyproj" (target "djangocollectstaticfiles" depends on it): initializing task factory "runpythoncommandfactory" assembly "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\community\common7\ide\extensions\microsoft\python\core\microsoft.pythontools.buildtasks.dll". using "runpythoncommand" task task factory "runpythoncommandfactory". task "runpythoncommand"     task parameter:target=import test.settings settings; print(settings.static_root or '')     task parameter:targettype=code     task parameter:executein=none     task parameter:workingdirectory=.     task parameter:environment=django_settings_module=test.settings     task parameter:consoletomsbuild=true     output property: djangostaticrootsetting= done executing task "runpythoncommand" -- failed. done building target "detectstaticrootpath" in project "test.pyproj" -- failed. 

those parts of build fail. below

installed_apps = [ 'app', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', ] static_url = '/static/' static_root = os.path.join(base_dir,'static/') 

thank time.


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