r - Showing actual units on a logarithmic scale -

i have data on high resolution time scale plotting using logarithmic (log 10) scale, show actual time units on along x axis, rather "log 10 (time)".

here's data

time    ft 0.01    229 0.02    231 0.03    232 0.04    234 0.05    236 0.06    238 0.07    239 0.08    239 0.09    239 0.1     239 0.11    240 0.12    241 0.13    243 0.14    245 0.15    247 0.16    249 0.17    251 0.18    253 0.19    254 0.2     256 0.21    258 0.22    260 0.23    261 0.24    262 0.25    263 0.26    263 0.27    263 0.28    263 0.29    265 0.3     265 0.4     274 0.5     280 0.6     286 0.7     292 0.8     298 0.9     305 1       312 1.1     316 1.2     320 1.3     323 1.4     327 1.5     331 1.6     336 1.7     341 1.8     344 1.9     347 2       350 2.1     353 2.2     356 2.3     360 2.4     363 2.5     366 2.6     368 2.7     371 2.8     374 2.9     378 3       381 4       400 5       415 6       429 7       442 8       455 9       467 10      479 11      491 12      504 13      516 14      528 15      539 16      550 17      561 18      572 19      581 20      590 21      600 22      608 23      616 24      623 25      629 26      635 27      640 28      646 29      653 30      656 40      679 50      704 60      734 70      768 80      802 90      834 100     863 110     886 120     905 130     918 140     927 150     933 160     939 170     944 180     948 190     951 200     953 210     956 220     959 230     962 240     964 250     966 260     967 270     967 280     967 290     968 300     968 400     970 500     970 600     971 700     971 800     971 900     971 1000    970 

here's i'd like

ojip curve

here's code

ojip<-ojip attach(ojip) logt<-log10(ojip$time) plot(logt,ojip$ft,xlab="time (ms)",ylab="fluorescence intensity",      xaxt='n',yaxt='n',ylim=c(0,1300),cex.axis=0.8,cex.lab=0.8,      pch=21,cex=0.8,font.lab=2,font.axis=2) axis(side=2,at=seq(0,1200,200),cex.axis=0.7,font=2) 

i'd show actual time of trace, seen in image, along x axis using data. solutions??

instead of using logt variable, use plot 's built in capability make logarithmic plots.

plot(ojip, xlab="time (ms)",ylab="fluorescence intensity",      xaxt='n',yaxt='n',ylim=c(0,1300),cex.axis=0.8,cex.lab=0.8,      pch=21,cex=0.8,font.lab=2,font.axis=2, log="x") axis(side=2,at=seq(0,1200,200),cex.axis=0.7,font=2) axis(side=1,at=10^(-2:3),cex.axis=0.7,font=2,      labels=c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000)) 

log plot


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