python - Scraping Multiple Pages On A Website -

i'm trying scrape list of coaching instiututes on thsi url:

the following python code:

import bs4 urllib.request import urlopen ureq bs4 import beautifulsoup soup  my_url = ''  uclient = ureq(my_url) page_html = uclient.close() x  page_soup = soup(page_html, "lxml")   insti = page_soup.findall("div", {"class": "list-title"})  filename = "entrance_institutes.csv"  f = open(filename, "w") headers = "institute \n" f.write(headers)  ins in insti:     ins_name = ins.div.a["title"]  f.write(ins_name + "\n")  f.close() 

this code runs fine. attached image of csv generates. how should go scraping listings 1 page after other ?


output csv

i'm not 100% sure mean. if you're asking how fix bug in code need change loop to:

for ins in insti:     ins_name = ins.div.a["title"]     f.write(ins_name + "\n") 

as code loop through , write last 1 due write not being in loop.

however if you're asking how take list , scrap that's more involved , starters need save url rather title i'm going leave rest because kind of sounds homework.


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