javascript - angular4 import html file -

i want save test.svg in component variable 'a' or svgicon.component.html.
so, create svgicon.component.ts file. not working. should do?


import { component, oninit } '@angular/core';  import { svgs } './svg/test.svg';    @component({    selector: 'app-svgicon',    templateurl: './svgicon.component.html',    styleurls: ['./svgicon.component.css']  })  export class svgiconcomponent implements oninit {    public a: string = svgs;    constructor() { }      ngoninit() {    }    }


<svg version="1.1" width="10" height="14" viewbox="0 0 10 14"> <path fill="#d4d4d4" d="m5,0.024c-2.761,0-5,2.269-5,5.069c0,1.139,0.37,2.19,0.996,3.036l-0.02,0.039l2.664,3.856l1.349,1.953 l1.339-1.953l2.62-3.82c9.607,7.345,10,6.265,10,5.093c10,2.293,7.761,0.024,5,0.024z m5,7.024c-1.105,0-2-0.895-2-2s0.895-2,2-2 s2,0.895,2,2s6.105,7.024,5,7.024z" /> </svg>

folder directory

enter image description here

<div [innerhtml]="a"></div> 

or (depending on content of a)

<svg [innerhtml]="a"></svg> 

you might need apply sanitizer convince angular it's safe add content of a. more details see in rc.1 styles can't added using binding syntax


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