c# - Display album art in GridGView and show the list of song files each album on click of each album art (GridView item) -

i working on uwp music player , want display each album art music library on launch of application in gridview , on click of each album art list of song files album displayed on new page in uwp c#

you should able create album class included observablecollection of song.

for example:

class album {     public string albumname { get; set; }     public observablecollection<song> songs { get; set; } } public class song {     public string songname { get; set; }     public string filepath { get; set; } } 

you can set album observablecollection can set collection itemssource of gridview.

to current selected album, can add gridview.selectionchanged event. in event can use gridview.selectedindex index of album collection.

to send album new page, can use navigate(type sourcepagetype, object parameter) method. causes frame load content represented specified page, passing parameter interpreted target of navigation. in new page, should able override onnavigatedto can album navigationeventargs.parameter.


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