android - how to reload fragment on adapter class after item delete -

how can reload fragment adapter class after button click deleted item in database, fragment has recyclerview populated json array database.

because 1 of item deleted want recyclerview refresh item

heres code cartfragment , heres adapter button click comming.

i tried start same fragment

fragmentmanager manager = getsupportfragmentmanager();             manager.begintransaction()                     .replace(,                             new cartfragment())                     .commit(); 

but getsupportfragmentmanager(); doesn't work inside adapter class, or there way around start same fragment on button click inside adapter.

call method inside holder.deleteitem.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() , pass object remove

  private void removeitem(cartitem cartitem) {      int currposition = cartitems.indexof(cartitem);     cartitems.remove(currposition);     notifyitemremoved(currposition);  } 


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