python - NLP , classify row values into some number? -

i need guidance if following possible in r/python?.my expectations or approach below wrong hence open alternatives also.

my dataframe has column called product_description , contains following values.

this red car red car yellow stripe ball dont know hello, mad? white car truck 1234-4568-8999 

i process text column generate numeric equivalent text can filter rows similar in texts acceptable tolerances.

numeric range 1-5 red car red car yellow stripe white car

numeric range 6-10 ball truck

numeric range 10-100 dont know hello, mad?

numeric range 500+ 1234-4568-8999

what have tried far? bag-of-words unique words, assign index number , sum number per row. fails depending on index number value. guess if use decimal of each character not work. have not tried yet.




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