indexing - how to find index of duplicated word in python -

i write code in python

import re  text = input('please enter text: ') word = re.findall('\w+', text) len_word = len(word) word_pos = []  in range(len_word):     if text.index(word[i]) in word_pos:         prev_index = text.index(word[i]) + 1         last_index = 0         # print('index1: ' , last_index)         text = text[prev_index:]         # print('new_text: ' , new_text)         word_pos.append(text.index(word[i]) + prev_index + last_index)         last_index += prev_index     else:         word_pos.append(text.index(word[i]))  print(word_pos) 

and output of input: a , is: [0 , 2] , , correct , in siguation: a , answer : [0 , 2 , 1] , want see : [0 , 2 , 4] , , want dynamic code because don't know when duplacated word input. , if there solution want more duplicated word index thanks

you can that:

import re  text = input('please enter text: ') words = re.findall('\w+', text) word_pos = [] pos = 0 # track word's position in original text  in range(len(words)):     word = words[i]     pos += text[pos:].index(word) # use position of last word find position of current word     if word in words[i+1:] or word in words[:i]: # have duplicate can append position         word_pos.append(pos)          print('{} found @ {} in text'.format(word,pos))     pos += 1 

with input: "a a a", result:

please enter text: a a a found @ 0 in text found @ 2 in text found @ 4 in text found @ 6 in text found @ 8 in text 


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