php - How to notify the person based on his post in laravel -

i new laravel notifications please bare me.

i able create notification table using migration. can save notification if user(x) replies post of user(y). now, problem is, want send notification user(y), then, notifiable_id saves id of user(x). how can user(y) receive notification then?

 auth::user()->notify(new postnotif()); 


user(x) id : 12 and,
user(y) id : 24

the notifications table looks this:

type                          notifiable_id  notifiable_type  app\notifications\postnotif       12              app\user 

i expected notifiable_id should id of user(y) 24 , not 12.

since, user(y) submitted post , user(x) responded post, how can user(y) notified in case?


also, expect 2 ids inserted database notification. 1 user created post , other 1 responded post.

does know this? thanks

i using table structure send notification,

type notification_id sender_id receiver_id

you can store userx in sender_id , usery in receiver_id, wise versa.

i hope works.


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