node.js - "allowJS" errors in Typescript project on nodejs -

i'm getting error, , error related 'http' module (which working fine in straight js using require('http')). here's errors:

index.ts(7,14): error ts2349: cannot invoke expression type lacks call signature. type 'typeof "http"' has no compatible call signatures.

index.ts(16,20): error ts6143: module './ofcmodules/db' resolved 'c:/users/stuff/root/ofcmodules/db/index.js', '--allowjs' not set.

db custom module. working fine in straight js using const db = require("./ofcmodules/db");

here's index.ts code:

"use strict" import * express 'express'; const app = express(); import * server "http"; const http = server(app); import * socketio ""; const io = socketio(http); import { db } "./ofcmodules/db"; 

i've tried import * db "./ofcmodules/db"

my directory structure hasn't changed 1 hour ago when importing/requiring stuff fine straight js. , have "allowjs" set true in tsconfig.json.

here's tsconfig.json:

{     "compileroptions": {       "target": "es2017",       "module": "commonjs",       "sourcemap": true,       "allowjs": true     },     "files": [       "./node_modules/@types/node/index.d.ts"     ] } 

here's custom db module:

"use strict" const mysql = require("mysql");  class db {      constructor(connection) {         this.conn = connection;     }  //snip  }  export { db }; 

folder structure:

root   -ofcmodules     --db       ---index.js   -index.ts   -package.json   -tsconfig.json 

the first thing notice you're calling http module (aliased 'server') function, should server.createserver instead?

"use strict"                        // <= fyi, not necessary in typescript import * express 'express'; const app = express(); import * server "http"; const http = server(app);           // <= line, should server.createserver? import * socketio ""; const io = socketio(http); import { db } "./ofcmodules/db"; 

i couldn't repro ofcmodules/db issue making .ofcmodules/db.ts file, sorry, can post test project somewhere if you'd compare/contrast.


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