javascript - Infinite scroll works with one blog on Tumblr but not another -

this code using on old blog. added same same scripts in header:

<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> (function($){     $(document).ready(function() {         $("[title],a[title],img[title]").style_my_tooltips({             tip_follows_cursor: true,             tip_delay_time: 100,             tip_fade_speed: 300,             attribute: "title"         });     }); })(jquery); </script> 

it won't work on new blog despite code being literally same , can't quite figure out why.

i've tried other methods people have posted, of ended having theme stripped "suspicious activity" , none of seem working either in ie, chrome, or firefox since thought maybe it's issue browser.

do know how fix this?

<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>  <script> $(function() {     var $container = $('#post');     $container.imagesloaded(function() {         $container.masonry({             itemselector: '.entry',         });     });     $container.infinitescroll({         itemselector : ".entry",         navselector : "div.pagination",         nextselector : ".pagination a#next",         loadingimg : "",         loadingtext : "<em></em>",         bufferpx : 10000,         extrascrollpx: 12000,     },     // trigger masonry callback     function(newelements) {         var $newelems = $(newelements).css({ opacity: 0 });         // ensure images load before adding masonry layout         $newelems.imagesloaded(function() {             $newelems.animate({ opacity: 1 });             $container.masonry('appended', $newelems, true);         });     }); }); </script> 


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