php - Unable to get Google API access token using auth code - redirect uri mismatch -

i'm trying use google api php client library create folder in users drive space. unfortunately keep getting "redirect_uri_mistmatch bad request" error.

i've looked @ several posts trying resolve issue no avail. steps i've taken being,

  • verified urls correct , current client id in google developer console.
  • clearing , re-entering said urls in dev console.
  • updating client-secret.json file , manually verifying urls making file.
  • switched drive_client->authenticate() fetchaccesstokenwithauthcode() error reporting.

the code spread across 3 different files end requiring each other @ different points during execution - if makes difference, though i've tried combining 1 file , still had same issue. server running behind cloudflare if makes difference, toggle developer mode when ever working on this.

generate oauth request , redirect user:

$this->_google_client = new google_client(); $this->_google_client->setauthconfig("path/to/client_secret....json"); $this->_google_client->setincludegrantedscopes(true); $this->_google_client->setaccesstype("offline"); $this->_google_client->addscope(google_service_drive::drive_file); $this->_google_client->setredirecturi(""); $authurl = $this->_google_client->createauthurl();  $_session["oauth_action"] = "gdrive_api_setup";//used internally else header("location: " . $authurl); exit(); 

call back

$code = @$_get["code"]; $this->_google_client = new google_client(); $this->_google_client->setauthconfig("path/to/client_secret....json"); $this->_google_client->setincludegrantedscopes(true); $this->_google_client->setaccesstype("offline"); $this->_google_client->addscope(google_service_drive::drive_file); $accesstoken = $this->_google_client->fetchaccesstokenwithauthcode($code); $this->_google_client->setaccesstoken($accesstoken);  echo var_dump($accesstoken) . " -- " . $code; //debug error 

exact error

array(2) { ["error"]=> string(21) "redirect_uri_mismatch" ["error_description"]=> string(11) "bad request" } 

i left out code creating actual file since it's not @ issue (no don't try , create folder before retrieving access token), other stuff in between make calls database. thanks!

i had similar issue before , because redirect uri not being set on call back. please add following line:


to callback, after line:


so should be:

$this->_google_client->setincludegrantedscopes(true); $this->_google_client->setaccesstype("offline"); $this->_google_client->setredirecturi(""); 

i hope helps.


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