java - Mockito : Mocking and returning a different type value -

is possible return different type using when-return in mockito.

my function


returns document based on id converting string further processing. but, testing fetching string id file. so, want string returned when function called below :


since, 1 of document type , other of string, there way in mockito can same ?


thing is: using mocking framework doesn't change java language.

when signature of method public foo bar() - when calling bar() on mocked object, method has return instance of foo. can't use mocking silently change declared return type of method.

but of course, can do:

document mockeddocument = mock(document.class); documentfinder mockedfinder = mock(documentfinder);  when(mockedfinder.finddocument(id)).thenreturn(mockeddocument); when(mockeddocument.getsomeinfo()).thenreturn("that string"); 

but please note: mock document instance in case can't use "real" document instance. goal should only use mocking impossible/too-hard without dealing mocks.


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