c# - The Calendar Type for input it to database -

for project use monthcalendar this:

enter image description here

from toolbox in order make project more have variances on date time rather use datetimepicker it. datetimepicker option, use method

datetime dates = dtpdate.value;

and then, save value loc newr.rentdate = dates;

while use monthcalendar option, can't use method because option have option of autocomplete code month calendar auto complete.

in case, use loc

newuser.dob = caldob.dateselected.value.tostring("dd/mm/yyyy"); 

but unfortunately, there error on dateselected part. said

error 12 event 'system.windows.forms.monthcalendar.dateselected' can appear on left hand side of += or -= e:\version\5.0\agenindo\kepegawaian.cs 206 38 agenindo

so how can pick date save in database format "dd/mm/yyyy". :d

you can subscribe of these events:-

caldob.dateselected += new system.windows.forms.daterangeeventhandler(this.caldob_dateselected);  caldob.datechanged += new system.windows.forms.daterangeeventhandler(this.caldob_datechanged); 

and handlers like

private void caldob_dateselected(object sender, system.windows.forms.daterangeeventargs e) {       //e.start;     //gives start date       //e.end ;    //gives end date }  private void caldob_datechanged(object sender, system.windows.forms.daterangeeventargs e) {        //e.start;     //gives start date       //e.end ;    //gives end date } 

the other properties can problem are

maxselectioncount :- gets or sets maximum number of days can selected in month calendar control.

mindate : - gets or sets minimum allowable date.


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