ios - How to center view with dynamic height using auto layout -

i'm trying programmatically create view centered inside designated superview. can achieve behavior, centered view not respect dynamic height of content. here function created make happen:

static func overlaywithbutton(onview view: uiview, buttontext: string, theme: theme = .dark, action: action? = nil) -> uiview {     // create overlay     let overlay = uiview()     overlay.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = false     let leftinset: cgfloat = 20     let rightinset: cgfloat = 20      // style overlay     overlay.backgroundcolor = theme == .dark ? : uicolor.white     overlay.alpha = 0.75     overlay.cornerradius = 10      // create button     let button = uibutton(frame: cgrect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100))     button.translatesautoresizingmaskintoconstraints = false      // style button     button.backgroundcolor = uicolor.clear     button.settitle(buttontext, for: .normal)     button.settitlecolor(theme == .dark ? lightbluebuttontext :, for: .normal)     button.titlelabel?.linebreakmode = .bywordwrapping     button.titlelabel?.textalignment = .center     button.titlelabel?.numberoflines = 0     button.titlelabel?.font = uifont.boldsystemfont(ofsize: 20)     button.isenabled = true      // add button action     if let action = action {         button.add(for: .touchupinside, action)     }      // add constraints     overlay.addsubview(button)     button.centerxanchor.constraint(equalto: overlay.centerxanchor).isactive = true     button.leftanchor.constraint(greaterthanorequalto: overlay.leftanchor).isactive = true     button.rightanchor.constraint(lessthanorequalto: overlay.rightanchor).isactive = true      button.topanchor.constraint(equalto: overlay.topanchor).isactive = true     button.bottomanchor.constraint(equalto: overlay.bottomanchor).isactive = true      view.addsubview(overlay)     overlay.leftanchor.constraint(equalto: view.leftanchor, constant: leftinset).isactive = true     overlay.rightanchor.constraint(equalto: view.rightanchor, constant: -rightinset).isactive = true     overlay.centeryanchor.constraint(equalto: view.centeryanchor).isactive = true      return overlay } 

this works short button titles: it works! however, longer title, button content clipped: enter image description here using reveal can see title / button label responding intended. it not work i've been @ quite while now, , can't centered overlay expand height match intrinsic content size of contents. ideas?

for view want center use these 2 lines: = = 

enter image description here

enter image description here


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